How to Make a Soft Eyeglass Case

The eyeglass case that came with your new eyeglasses may not be the one of your dreams, and purchasing another case can be expensive. Making an eyeglass case out of scrap fabric or remnants you purchase at your local sewing shop is an inexpensive, quick project that allows you to make one or more cases that suit your personality.

things you’ll need:
100% cotton main fabric
100% cotton coordinating fabric
100% cotton batting
Coordinating thread

1 Prepare your fabric by washing it in hot water and drying it completely. Trim off any threads and iron the fabric so it lays flat. Cut each piece of fabric and the batting into an 8-inch-by-9-inch rectangle.

2 Place the batting on a hard surface. Lay the main fabric piece, which will be on the outside of the case, right side up on top of the batting. Lay the coordinating fabric piece, which will be the lining of the case, right side down. Line up all the edges of all three layers. Pin around all four side, leaving a section of about three inches unpinned on one of the short edges. This will be the turning opening for your case.

3 Stitch around all four sides of the case with a 3/8-inch seam allowance. Start by stitching and backstitching a few stitches directly to the right of the unpinned turning opening and sew around all sides until you reach the left edge of the unpinned turning opening. Backstitch a few stitches and remove the case from your sewing machine.

4 Clip the corners of the case off at a 45-degree angle about 1/8 of an inch away from the sewn corner. Turn the case right side out through the turning opening. Poke out each corner individually with your fingers.

5 Iron both sides of the case. Fold the unsewn edges of the opening in toward the batting, so that the folded seam edges line up with the rest of the seams. Pin the folded edges into place.

6 Lay the case with the lining side up. Fold the case in half so that the short edges meet. Pin the bottom and sides together. Sew the bottom and sides through all the layers with a ¼-inch seam allowance, which will close the turning opening and secure the case closed. Trim any excess threads and slip your glasses into the opening in the top of the case.

Tips & Warnings

You can add embellishments to your case, such as ribbon and fabric flowers. Attach the embellishments to the main side of the fabric before your fold it in half and sew it up.

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