Choosing Sunglasses That Complement Your Face Shape

Sunglasses as well as people, come in many varieties. No matter what size or shape your face is you will need one that fits well. Do you know what style or shape to choose for your face? Have you ever even considered face shape in purchasing sunglasses? How the sunglasses look when you are checking them out is important. You obviously want something that appeals to you. Also, the frame and design should complement your face. What’s the use in having a good looking pair of glasses that don’t go well with you?

If you happen to have an oval face, your choices are wider. Round glasses as well as thinner glasses will go well with your face. Try out the pair to be purchased and see if there is a nice balance between the shapes of the sunglasses and your face. If you happen to have a rounder face then you should look for something that is not super round. Something with sharper points will look better on your face. Try starting with some rectangular frames.

You can start at extreme shapes and see how they look, and then move towards the center of both designs. Going with a build of sunglasses that are opposite your face shape will usually end in better results. If you have a longer, more oval type face, you don’t want to wear tall oval glasses. Go for something like wide and thin glasses or even square sunglasses.

These are not always hard and fast rules though, and it may not match your taste either. Go for all styles and see what you end up liking the best. These are just helpful guidelines if you really do not know where to start.

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