Usefull Eye Care – Tips

As you grow older there are lots of health issues that come up. The aging process weakens all the organ and tissues. Your skin is the only place you can see the changes and often we are worried about. Other than skin the organ where you can symptoms of aging is the eye.

One of the important signs of aging is that you will not be able to focus on things right in front of you. Surely you will need to use reading glasses at the age of forty and above for a better eye sight. Eyesight issues are unavoidable just like taxes or your boss.

As you grow old, your eye needs more amount of light compared to teens. The sun provides the same amount of light from the time of existence. The issues is therefore not with the light at all, it rather because of the eyesight becoming dull.

Apart for bad eyesight, as you grow old you may also face color blindness. There will be issues differentiating some colors, usually shades of green and blue.

The skin around your eye is also vulnerable to the aging process. In fact, this will be your
first sign that you are getting older. Dark circles and wrinkles around your eye will make you look older and distraught than you really are.

And if you are really bothered about the aged looks and want to get rid of the dark circles and wrinkles, it’s high time you get some special treatment done. As the skin around your eye is a very sensitive.

Remember this is not only people, who are aged. Few tips to keep your self and your eyesight young:-

o Guard your eyes by wearing sunglasses from the harmful Ultra Violet rays. Buy a sun glass that gives 99 to100 % UV protections.

o Do you know? Doctors discovered that people who smoke have a more chances of having eyesight issues. So do quit smoking.

o Eat more fruits and vegetables especially green vegetables. They have inhibitors that absorb the harmful ultraviolet rays and keep your eye function better than ever before.

o Work on your weight. Reducing your weight takes of most of the health issues. Overweight causes hypertension, stress and high cholesterol levels. This in turn will reduce the flow of blood to your eye.

Also keeping your eyes attractive is something that makes you feel more confident. Contact lenses which are of different colors can make you look much beautiful. Lenses are now available in different colors and hence make you look perfect for the occasion.

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