Laser Eye Treatment – Vision Without Glasses is in Your Reach

If you’ve ever worn contact lenses or glasses, you understand how frustrating it can be to depend on them for vision. Glasses break, get lost or simply make it difficult to do certain things, such as swim. Furthermore, contact lenses require daily care for optimal wear and can be a hassle on a windy day when particles can easily cause irritation. Laser eye treatment can help minimize your issues and virtually end vision problems.


Many people choose to have laser eye treatment, also known as refractive surgery, to improve their sight so they no longer have to wear glasses or contact lenses. One of the most well-known procedures is called Laser Assisted in-situ Keratomileusis or LASIK. Another method is Photorefractive keratectomy or PRK. Both procedures require the surgeon to use a laser to reshape corneas. However, PRK involves removing epithelial cells, whereas LASIK does not.


If you’re serious about getting this operation, it’s important that you are in good health, not pregnant and at least 18 years old. Good health means not having any major ailments, such as diabetes or glaucoma, and candidates should be free of any type of optical infections. Pregnant women aren’t candidates simply because hormonal changes and blood circulation can affect vision. Furthermore, it’s important to be at least 18, since minors may still be going through major changes in sight.


Many variables affect the cost of laser eye treatment, particularly location and your doctor’s experience. On average, prices can range from $1500 to $3000 per eye. Also, some people get customized treatment or non-customized. Customized costs more, but is more precise, allowing you to experience sharper results as opposed to non-customized. Also, keep in mind, insurance doesn’t usually cover surgical costs for this procedure, although some centers offer financing if needed.


Recovery time after surgery depends on the person, but for many patients, better vision is noticeable immediately. Others tend to experience improved vision as the days pass. Also, it’s important to follow doctor’s orders by taking all specified medications and avoiding any intense exercise since this could hinder the healing process.


While getting laser treatment seems like the perfect solution for vision problems, it is important to know it is not without certain risks. Some people experience corneal infections, trouble seeing at night and dry-eye syndrome. In addition, results may not give you the precise vision you may have hoped for. In more extreme cases, some patients can experience vision loss, which prohibits them from correctly reading lines of an eye chart without the assistance of glasses or contacts.

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