How to Repair Eyeglass Temples

Broken eyeglasses can ruin your day, but when immediate repair by an optician is not possible, some eyeglass problems can be mended at home, including damaged temples. Always bring them to an optician, as poorly repaired eyeglasses can result in additional vision problems or discomfort. Use these repair tips for temporary fixes.

things you’ll need:
Eyeglass screws
Eyeglass repair kit, including tiny flat-head screwdriver
Hot glue gun

Replace Screws
1 Examine the screws that join the temples and front of your eyeglasses. Different-sized screws are used in different glasses, but eyeglass repair kits available at drug or grocery stores contain screws of various sizes.

2 Compare the size of the screws you have purchased to the loose or broken screw in your glasses. If the screw was lost, base the size of the replacement on the size of the joint.

3 Align the frame with the edge of the temple. The joint holes should match. Insert the screw into the joint. Tighten with the tiny screwdriver included in the eyeglass repair kit.

Steam plastic
1 Use heat to fix temples of plastic glasses that have been bent out of shape. While wearing gloves to protect your hands, hold the frame over boiling water. Allow steam to heat the temple.

2 Gently touch the plastic with your thumb and forefinger to test malleability.

3 Shape the temple as it was before it was damaged. Continue to check heat and malleability levels as you do. The temple also can be replaced with an identical or similar piece from another pair of glasses.

Use hot glue
1 Use a hot glue gun to repair metal frames when the temple is broken in two. Allow the glue gun to heat according to directions..

2 Squeeze the handle, placing heated glue on one piece of the temple.

3 Align the other piece of the temple with the glued end. Hold still until set.

Tips & Warnings
If you have non-metal frames and are not sure that your frames are plastic, do not attempt to heat them. Some frames may appear to be plastic, but are made from less malleable materials.

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