Can I Improve My Eyesight? – Good Sound Eyesight Without Vision Glasses

Has it ever occurred to you? Can I improve my eyesight? Why should I have to rely on glasses? The simple answer is that you don’t. It is very possible to have good sound eyesight without vision glasses regardless of whether you are suffering from myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism or simply eye strain. Most eye problems stem from bad habits picked up during childhood and most of these problems can be repaired using appropriate eye strengthening exercises which retrain your eyes how to work properly.

Our eyes need movement to work to their full potential. When we are out and about our eyes never stop moving, from building to building to car to tree, smoothly shifting from object to object. Only when they see something that the brain doesn’t immediately recognise do they stop and stare and then when they realise what they are looking at they return to movement.

When we force our eyes to stop, stare or squint we are causing them to strain which is the most damaging thing we can do to them. We often do this by trying to take in lots of information too quickly, such as in school, without allowing our eyes to take regular breaks. When we are forced to read or listen to uninteresting information it tires our minds and causes undue strain to our eyes. It is very important that we allow our eyes to relax at regular intervals throughout the day to enable them to heal themselves.

There are lots of eye exercises such as the dot exercise, the word exercise, tracing and many more. Most of them only take 2 or 3 minutes from our day and they teach our eyes to focus without straining.

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